
  • Weiblich
  • 32
  • aus Kronshagen
  • Mitglied seit 1. August 2016
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  • Legatus -

    Hey there. I'd like to talk to you about your Liberation-COOP-Server. Seeing if it's possible to become a zeus on it so me and my friends can have a good experience or for others in general too.

    • Bunnyhopps -

      Hey. Sorry, but we don't have a public Liberation server anymore.

    • Legatus -

      Huh? Then what Liberation server have we been playing on then?

    • Bunnyhopps -

      Must be someone else's then. Maybe a member from our community has set up their own server? We definitely have no constantly running server anymore. The only Arma servers we have are our event server for our weekly sessions and a test server for our devs.

    • Legatus -

      Very odd. It say's it's your guy's server and everyone from "Killahpotato" and all.

    • Bunnyhopps -

      What's the name and the IP of the server?

  • Reckulation -

    Happy Birthday Bunny!!!

  • Frieda -

    und bei dir

  • Frieda -

    nicht viel

  • Frieda -


  • Frieda -


    • Bunnyhopps -

      Moin. Na was geht?

  • Frieda -


  • Frieda -

    Na wie war es Heute so

    • Bunnyhopps -

      War ganz lustig. Gab Live-Musik von Pontiac^^

  • Frieda -


  • Frieda -

    Hast jetzt wieder Internet

  • Frieda -
