A new logo for the KP Liberation mission!
News with the category „Community“
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2 new public servers are now online
Our server offers room for up to 64 players on a total of 47 planets, moons or asteroid fields, between wich you can move freely.
The practical mod for server-side management involving ranks of service has been updated to a newer version number. The latest update grants access to the insignias via arsenal and the editor.
Help ground units in this SP / CO-OP / PvP mission for ArmA 3 as a helicopter pilot with transport, CAS and MedEvac tasks.
TS-Channel, group page and self operated forums for our clans/guilds/groups
The second round of our international ArmA 3 liberation event will be on 03. June 2017
ArmA 3 Liberation Version 0.95. Currently six maps are available on the Steam Workshop.
An international ArmA 3 Session is about to get started...
Wir wollen euch heute unser Gruppen-System vorstellen. Die Möglichkeit, eure eigene Gruppe auf unserer Webseite zu erstellen, inkl. eigenem TeamSpeak-Channel
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