Fall is coming...
News with the category „Games“
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Off into space!
After three years of development and remaining in the early access phase, the survival adventure The Long Dark with two episodes of the Story Mode, is released on 01.08.2017.
Games With Gold and PSN PLUS games in August
Fortnite in a cost-sensitive Early Access is available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC. Founder packages are available in different price classes. New launch trailer released.
The practical mod for server-side management involving ranks of service has been updated to a newer version number. The latest update grants access to the insignias via arsenal and the editor.
Within the ranks of the Killah Potatoes Gaming Community there is a new mod for ArmA 3 in the works, which makes vanilla vehicles appear in German Bundeswehr camo.
Help ground units in this SP / CO-OP / PvP mission for ArmA 3 as a helicopter pilot with transport, CAS and MedEvac tasks.
Summer is coming, get your shorts out of your closet!
Today the sale for back compatible Xbox games on Xbox One is starting. Titles up to 75% discount.
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