Go to the calendar and click on the button “Create event” below the calendar sheet.
Create Event 1.PNG
Now you can create your event.
You can choose here in what category your event belongs. Everyone who subscribed to this category will get a notification.
Set the general data for your event like the date and time.
You can also set a color for your event (it will appear e.g. green in the calendar overview), if you want a repetition or where the event will take place.
Additionally, you can activate a participation list. This is needed if you want others to sign up for your event. If you activate it, you can set a maximum number of participants, if anyone can see the list of participants and you can choose if participants can sign out again.
At the bottom, you can write a description about your event, e.g. what will it be about, what is important to have for the event (mods, …), etc.
With a click on “Submit” your event is created and can be seen in the calendar. Of course, you can check your event before you submit it. For that, click on “Preview”
Note: By creating the event, you are NOT automatically signed up for it. You need to do that manually.